The 5 Human Design Types + Their Strengths & Weaknesses

Manifestors make up less than 10% of the world’s population, and according to Brafman, they’re here to “get the ball rolling, to initiate, and then to back off and let other people take over.” They operate through deep bursts of energy followed by deep rest, with Brafman adding that “they might be able to outrun […]

Is Book of the Month worth it?

Sharing my full (non-sponsored) review of Book of the Month and if it’s worth it. If you’d like to try it out, my referral link gives you access to your first month for $5! Hi friends! How’s the week going so far? I hope you’re having a great one. It’s been cloudy and rainy here […]

Headache During or After Workouts? 4 Common Causes

Piercing pain at your temples, a throbbing ache in your forehead – we’ve all suffered the agony of headaches, and there are plenty of causes. Some of us are more likely to get them during or after exercise.  Good to know: Headaches are divided into two types: primary and secondary. Primary headaches are triggered by […]

RIP, Queen Elizabeth – BionicOldGuy

I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service ( Yesterday we received the sad news of Queen Elizabeth’s passing. Recently, in a biographical documentary about her, I learned how hard she worked on the transition from the British Empire to the British […]

What Is a Calorie Deficit and Can It Help You Lose Weight?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard about the importance of a calorie deficit — but what does that mean? Being in a calorie deficit simply means “you eat fewer calories than your body uses,” explains Dana Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD, a senior dietitian at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. You can […]

Can Your Pet Help With Your Mindfulness Practice?

Mindfulness is the practice of grounding yourself in the present moment, and it offers a host of benefits to your physical, mental, and emotional health—including improved cognitive functioning, lower stress levels, improved immune function, and a greater sense of well-being. A regular mindfulness practice, where you consciously create opportunities to be mindful throughout the day, […]

How To Get Through The Upcoming Mercury Retrograde Unscathed

Just as a refresher, Mercury is the planet of communication, information, logic, and transportation. When it goes retrograde, it’s not actually moving backwards, but it does appear to be from our perspective on Earth—and subsequently, Mercury-related themes can get turned on their heads. Things like communication mishaps, technological errors, and travel delays are to be […]